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Our Daddy works here Sign RD377

From: $22.70

Our Daddy works here Sign available in landscape Aluminium and with a swing stand if desired. Our Daddy works here Sign advises motorists of road works ahead. Manufactured on the Gold Coast, Queensland and shipped Australia wide.

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Our Daddy works here Sign

Or, My Daddy works here sign, were designed to make drivers more aware that people are working here and to please slow down to the speed restrictions and to keep an eye out for their ‘Daddy’
Our Daddy works here sign can be modified to suit your needs and is not a regulatory Australian compliance safety sign.
In September 2015, Clearview traffic group (UK) wrote this article:
“On a 17-mile stretch of the M60 between J8 and J20, there are significant roadworks ongoing as part of a smart motorway scheme by Highways England to tackle congestion and improve journey times in the area.
As leading providers of traffic data solutions, congestion monitoring and intelligent transport systems, this particular smart motorway scheme has caught our attention.
During the roadworks, the whole stretch is governed by a 50mph speed limit – but with work expected to last until autumn 2017 and nearly 300 people working there, site safety is of paramount importance.
So, Highways England are using a new campaign to appeal to our human side and bring it home to us that each one of those workers has a family and so deserves our respect and for us to drive as safely as we can.
The ‘My daddy works here’ campaign utilizes pictures of the children whose parents are working on the site blown up onto large roadside signs with just the words ‘My Daddy/Mummy works here, take care within the roadworks’.
The signs are erected behind safety barriers to remind both workers and motorists alike to think about the people working behind the barriers as they drive through the roadworks.
I saw a similar campaign on my way down to Devon last year and have to admit, it did get me thinking.
It’s a very simple yet powerful traffic safety message that appeals to our basic humanity; making the workers behind the barriers instantly more like people that we can relate to, with families who care for them.
It almost puts you in their place: what if it were you working there on the road – what would happen to your family and how would your family feel if something were to happen to you there? It plays on very basic fears and emotions and is a situation that none of us would want to find ourselves in. A clever, yet subtle, road safety sign campaign.
Yes, the cynics might say that it is yet another sign that causes an unnecessary distraction; but on major roadworks like these, where excessive speed and reckless driving can cause horrific accidents and threaten the lives of both road users and workers, anything that makes drivers think that little bit more about taking extra care and being more aware of road safety and traffic safety issues should be applauded.
Of course, only time will tell if it has any effect.
So far though, the signs are good and over half a million hours of work have been carried out without any injuries.
I suspect that if you are a regular user of the road then after a while these signs have a tendency to blend into the background, but hopefully by that time your behaviour on that road will have also modified through repetition and habit to become safer, too”.

Feel free to contact us about the Our Daddy works here Sign or any other questions HERE or phone 07 5665 8996

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