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Danger Falling Trees Sign C1986

From: $34.41

Danger Falling Trees Signs are a useful tool to help meet safety compliance and guidelines. Advise Visitors they are entering private property. Danger Falling Trees Signs manufactured and shipped out of Queensland, Australia. Further to the lower area of the sign, is a Surveillance camera notice. This is optional.

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Danger Falling Trees Sign

Danger Falling Trees Sign. This Combined Warning Sign is used to illustrate the Dangers of entering here. To emphasise the Dangers, we have designed a sign that is in two sections. Indeed, the top Section has the Danger Banner and the words Falling Trees and Limbs. The lower area has an illustration pictogram of a tree falling. Further to the lower part, is a Surveillance camera notice. This part is optional.

Falling Tree Limbs

Important to realise that a real Danger exists from Falling Limbs. Some Gum tree limbs weigh many Kilos and have jagged ends. These can severely injure or Kill.

Australian Bushfires

Trees and Limbs will fall naturally. However, after a bushfire, this Danger escalates ten fold. Trees can slowly burn for days internally and fall without warning.

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