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Look Up and Live Man RD555

From: $84.58

Oversized product – May incur extra freight charges depending on destination
Our Pointing man safety figure is not a cheap cut out, but a reflective figure on a black background. Furthermore, the reflectivity comes from engineer grade class 2 yellow reflective cut-out sheeting. Indeed, there is no printing that can fade and the image and text is bright, day or night. Sign is 1200x600mm. Choose from double or single sided. See other photos.

There are many ways to mount your Look up and Live sign. The usual is 2 poles or pickets (one on each side) and ask for 2 eyelets to be inserted on each side. Of course, we can insert the eyelets anywhere around the sign edges, even corners for attaching to perimeter fencing. Just click on the eyelets option and let us know where to insert in the ‘additional instructions’ text box.
Please read the description for this sign for more information Also, please contact us if you need signs with a different message. Contact us here

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look up and live man

look up and live Reflective Yellow Corflute man sign. Importantly, this pointing man look up and live safety sign is highly reflective. Indeed, look what happens when we took a photo in low light with a phone flash:

look up and live pointing man

Our Pointing man safety figure is not a cheap cut out coreflute man, but a reflective figure on a black background. Furthermore, the reflectivity comes from engineer grade class 2 yellow reflective sheeting. Indeed, there is no printing that can fade and the image and text is bright, day or night.

Class 2 reflective

Class 2 reflective is manufactured so as to pick up any light from any direction. This is the same as the registration number plates on vehicles. Provided that there is some light source (even moonlight), the class 2 will reflect. Of course, full on headlights of a machine, vehicle or rotating lights, really makes it dazzle. Comparatively, class 2 outshines the traditional class 1 reflective sheeting because of it’s all round reflectivity.

Site Safety yellow coreflute man cut out figures

Previously, these yellow corflute man signs have been manufactured by cutting out the figure, However, Problems with shipping without damage and damage from wind etc on site has made these figures unviable. Uniquely, our Look up and live figure is 1200×600 black corflute with a reflective figure and text.
Read more on our signs in store and online HERE

How to mount your sign

There are many ways to mount your Look up and Live pointing man sign. The usual is 2 poles or pickets (one on each side) and ask for 2 eyelets to be inserted on each side. Of course, we can insert the eyelets anywhere around the sign edges, even corners for attaching to perimeter fencing. Just click on the eyelets option and let us know where to insert in the ‘additional comments’ text box.

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