Danger and Warning Signs meaning

Danger and Warning Signs meaning

From Australian Standard AS-1319-1994 . Information for Danger and Warning Signs Meaning

Warning Signs

The term caution used earlier in Australia, has been replaced by Warning. Caution Signs should not be used for AS-1319-1994 standards. Caution and Warning terms are regarded as being interchangeable. However, Caution cannot be used on signs manufactured now. Similarly, the Warning Triangle with exclamation mark incorporated in the heading. Likewise, the word WARNING also combined in the heading. Furthermore, Warning signs are warning of a hazard or hazardous condition, not likely to be life threatening. See Warning Signage here: ( click here )


Traditionaly, Danger Signs are specially designed, which incorporates the word DANGER in white letters on a red symbolic oval shape. The Danger signs shall comprise white rectangle with black enclosure and white surround with the DANGER symbol on black background placed above or left of the white rectangle. Furthermore, the legend within the white rectangle shall comprise a worded warning message in black letters. Symbols are not used on DANGER signs.


Danger Signs shall have word legends only (no symbols) and shall conform to AS1319-1994. Also, see here: ( click here ).
Likewise, the messages on DANGER signs are confined to a hazardous condition which is likely to be life-threatening

Most noteworthy, If a symbol is required in conjunction with a DANGER sign, it shall be a separate sign placed beside or below the DANGER sign.

See Danger signage here: ( click here )

National Safety Signs

We hope this AS-1319-1994 information on Danger and Warning Signs meaning help you. Similarly, there is more information here: ( click here ) Likewise, you can buy these SIGNS ONLINE HERE. Visit our Facebook page ( click here ). Similarly, our Twitter page: ( click here ).

National Safety Signs manufacture Danger and Warning Signs in Queensland. Also, we Ship Australia-wide. Our Danger and Warning signs comply to Australian Standards.

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