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Rear Marker Plates Discontinued 2020

Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle Rear Marker Plates Discontinued 2020

Rear Marker Plates Australian Standards 4001.1 for Heavy Vehicles have changed. Although this may be true, you can still keep your old Marker Plates until they are damaged or faded. As a result, ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ Signs on new heavy vehicles or trailers, now need to be Class 400 (class 1) Reflective. Furthermore, the larger Sign sizes (400mm x 400mm) Have been removed. Conversely, at time of writing, this is not the case in NSW, where the larger plates still comply. Read more HERE

NSW do not overtake turning vehicle sign

    • The Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle Signs are not to be used on Prime Movers or Converter Dolly. Here you would use the Cat615. See Below here:

CAT615 signs for Prime Movers or Converter Dolly

CAT 615 Marker

Alternative marking Vehicles and Trailers that can’t use the larger Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle signs due to space limitations can use CAT161. Also, Try to fit in the small 300×100 or (400x150mm for NSW) CAT31L on the left side. Click here
CAT161 Rear marker
CAT 161 Rear Markers for space limitations

Meanwhile, if you need replacement plates now, you should use the Class 400 Reflective version. This includes all ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ plates. Also, all other plates including Cat 31L, Cat33, Cat34A, Cat34, Cat41, Cat81, Cat161 and Cat615 are affected. Marker Plates must comply with AS4001.1. You can read the VSB12 Code of Practice here: Click here. The brand new cat34 A and 34B plate sets are HERE and seen below
Cat 34 Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle signs
CAT 34A and CAT 34B Markers

Old Class 2 Reflective plates

Class 2 reflective overtake plates have now been discontinued. Ultimately, this means if you will need to change your old overtake markers to the new class 400 when their service life expires (faded or damaged). Unfortunately, there are still traders that are selling old stock Class 2 reflective to unsuspecting buyers. Therefore, ask before you buy.
In reality, this is a big deal for the heavy vehicle industry. Indeed, there are figures that suggest 60% of existing rear markers are class 2 reflective at time of writing.
Also, read up on the reflective materials HERE

Where to buy class 1 Rear markers: Truck and Heavy vehicle signs Furthermore, National Safety Signs have lots of Variations on the Do Not Overtake turning Vehicle markers. Indeed, not just for trucks, trailers and Buses, but Caravan/car combinations as well.

Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle Plates

Really, if your do not overtake Marker Plates are looking a bit faded, scratched or drab, now would be a good time to replace them. You can buy these marker plates securely online using credit card, EFT or Paypal. Likewise, you can phone your order through. We usually have all the Rear Marker plates in stock and can ship same day if you get in early enough. Alternately, you can pick up from our Helensvale store if you are local. Remember, Our prices are set to compete with other online stores, even though most stores sell markers imported from overseas. We manufacture all our own signs, so quality is assured. Finally, if you buy bulk, we may do a wholesale price.

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